现在学还来得及:PHP 5.6.0发布
Function and constant importing with the use keyword.
编程语言PHP 5.6.0发正式发布,更新多项新特性:包括数字字符串的标量表达式,求幂运算符**,可变函数运算符...,use运算符扩展支持导入函数和常量,支持上传大于2GB的文件,作为SAPI模块实现的交互调试器phpdbg,等等。新版本的一些改变会影响兼容性。
GMP 对象支持操作符重载
Stream wrappers now verify peer certificates and host names by default when using SSL/TLS.
Exponentiation using the**operator.
php://input 现在可以复用,废弃了$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
Constant scalar expressions.
更多新特性请看the new features chapter of the migration guide。
Array keys won't be overwritten when defining an array as a property of a class via an array literal.
Variadic functions and argument unpacking using the...operator.
phpdbg 作为一个交互式集成的调试器SAPI
Mcrypt functions now require valid keys and IVs.
PHP 5.6.0兼容性方面改进:
json_decode() is more strict in JSON syntax parsing.
GMP resources are now objects.